Church Life Survey NZ

The 2023 Church Life Survey national results (as at 12 October) are available.
These publications provide a portrait of the NZ Church across participating denominations.

The latest reports on the whole survey

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Executive summary

Insights from 25,060 church attendees from 501 churches across New Zealand
Median age 61
Half the respondents are aged between 44 and 74
Female 61%
Born overseas 40%
Tertiary qualified 69%
Employed full time (30+ hours per week) 35%
Value and belonging
Strong and stable/growing sense of belonging 77%
Being spiritually resourced well 83%
Presence of God is evident in services 81%
Satisfied with what’s offered for children 55%
Satisfied with what’s offered for youth 44%
Satisfied with what’s offered for young adults 39%
Personal faith
Much growth over past year 49%
Spending time in personal devotional activities more than once a week 70%
Reading the Bible on their own more than once a week 46%
Saying the Bible is the Word of God 93%
Church involvement
Regularly involved in group activities 55%
Involved in leadership or ministry roles 57%
Change in participation since Covid -1%
Encouraged to use gifts & skills 59%
Church leadership
There are clear goals/vision with commitment 62%
Confident about reaching goals/visionThere are clear goals/vision with commitment 74%
Involved in community service etc not connected to the church 53%
Agree environmental issues are important for Christians 95%
Feel at ease talking about their faith 75%
Invited others to church in the past 12 months 34%

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