This form is for registering a group of churches such as a denomination.
If you are registering a local church or parish which is part of a group, please use the following link:
Register your local church or parish
Thank you for your interest in registering your group (denomination, diocese, region, etc) for the Church Life Survey NZ. So that you may informed of your and our responsibilities before you complete the registration for your group we have the the following terms and conditions for group registration.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before agreeing.
You have permission from your group to register your group with the Church Life Survey NZ (CLSNZ).
You will take responsibility for informing the local churches or parishes in your group about the 2023 survey and for encouraging them to participate.
You may register any local church or parish in your group. Alternatively, a person approved by the church/parish may register their church/parish.
We will provide you with a Group Code that you will share with the churches/parishes in your group so that they may register with CLSNZ for the 2023 survey with the group being billed for their registration.
We will provide you with a Report Code so that you may access the aggregated reports for your group, these reports being generated dynamically as data from the questionnaire are entered into the CLSNZ database.
We will provide you with monthly invoices with the appropriate discounts as churches/parishes in your group register with CLSNZ. Click here to view pricing for groups: Group Pricing
You will ensure that invoices billed to your group are paid.
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